expanding our creative horizons with Rebozo
About this workshop:
Naoli is offering this special workshop to celebrate her time tested traditional Rebozo techniques as well as original techniques, applying them in unique ways, combining them with other creative resources such as the flow of our voices, movements, touch, and other portals for “birthing” the body and the feminine spirit.
Who's this workshop for?
Este workshop é para todas as pessoas: mulheres, parteiras, doulas e profissionais de parto que estão interessadas em expandir e aprofundar a sua relação com a natureza feminina essencial dentro de nós. Todas as pessoas nascem de mulheres e o espírito feminino vive dentro de todos nós. Aproveitá-lo, libertá-lo e cultivá-lo é um processo criativo que vale a pena explorar.
Learning the art of the Rebozo as a nurturing motherly embrace
Singing and the enchantment of our voices
Exploring our creative potential
Unlocking the body expression of our souls through movement and dance
Emotional exploration through open hearted communication
Rebozo techniques for womb-depth birth connection
The connected feminine: midwife, mother, sister, daughter
Loving our bodies, our natural selves
The yoni portal
Rebozo techniques for freeing the sexual energy flow
The feminine power of sexuality and birth
Letting go of control and the poetry of birth
From the gentle whisper to the ignited fire
Celebrating our sacred sexual selves
Empowering and celebrating our connection to the masculine
Going beyond the imaginable!

"If you give a woman space, she will know how to birth,
what to do and how to do it"
Naoli Vinaver
Birthing the Feminine Spirit Photo & Video Gallery
Art of Birth
online platform

Naoli's physical workshops offer an up-close, direct hands-on learning experience. It is recommended to be complemented with the Art of Birth "online platform" containing videos and educational materials offering an intensive detailed resource for constant reference and study.
Próximos workshops
You can find all upcoming workshops about "Birthing the feminine spirit" below