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Naolí Vinaver
Educator - Speaker
Naolí loves sharing her experience as an active midwife, educator, anthropologist, and teacher in workshops, seminars and talks and in the past three decades she has taught thousands of people all around the world.

Naolí has has been invited as Keynote speaker at many birth conferences and has performed workshops, seminars & talks since 1992 in over 35 countries around the world including: Argentina, Austria, Australia, Bahamas, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Latvia, Mexico, Portugal, Peru, Siberia, Slovakia, Spain, Russia, United Kingdom, United States (including Hawaii), Ukraine.
Selected past workshop Photo Gallery

Workshops Around the World - Naoli Vinaver
Workshops Around the World - Naoli Vinaver

Naoli Vinaver "Sexuality, Birth and Life", Odessa, Ukraine, 09.06.2016
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Naolí Vinaver, ISRAEL 2017
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"Resgatando a Essência de Nossa Sexualidade" Curso Portugal, 2017 Naoli Vinaver
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Naoli Vinaver "Sexuality, Birth and Life", Odessa, Ukraine, 10-14.06.2016
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Sexuality & Birth – Workshop, with Naoli Vinaver
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Curso de Partería Tradicional Mexicana, Naolí Vinaver 2011
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Приглашение от Наоли на семинары в Киеве
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Sexuality & Birth and A Mother's Journey with Naoli Vinaver
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